Our Mission

Impact of a Vote is an initiative to expose African-American college students to non-traditional careers and pathways in politics and public service.


This answer is simple - because the world, especially the United States of America needs to change the faces of the decision makers who sit on the thrones of democracy. In doing that, laws and policies will be reflective of all communities that make up our Nation. Sometimes students, especially Black students feel they don’t belong in politics - they don’t know where to get started, don’t have a fancy degree, don’t have an ‘in’ to the Beltway or tables of political power. Sometimes, they have various talents & interests like event planning, hospitality, etc. that don’t have a natural path in a political career. Impact of a Vote is here to smash all those assumptions & beliefs.


Impact of a Vote will feature a series of programming that will range in format and purpose. These include but are not limited to scholarships, mentoring, networking, virtual conversations, resume writing, and more.

the name: impact of a vote

The creator of IOAV (that’s me - Deesha!) worked in the Obama Administration from 2009 - 2017. My path to politics was very untraditional, but one thing for certain is that I would’ve never been there if it weren’t for the votes that millions and millions of people cast on November 4, 2008 to elect Barack Obama the 44th President. That night changed my life and the lives of so many others. And there we have it, the “Impact of A Vote”.