Introducing: All the Things [category: jobs & opportunities]

This blog will have job listings, network tips, articles and more. Basically whatever we see that will be helpful to everyone and anyone, but especially students making the leap to life life post college. Not all jobs listings will be in the political and public service sectors but we’re posting them up anyway because you may find something interesting that you didn’t think of before. Please reach out to if you have a job/internship/opportunity we can list. Scroll down to see some cool and useful things we pulled together so far.


Senator Mark Warner of Virginia has paid state internships available. Deadline is May 3rd. See here!

Congressional Black Caucus Foundation - Internships, Scholarships, Fellowships, etc.

Interested?? is a bi-weekly curated newsletter for people interested in social justice, non-profits, government and philanthropy

ColorComm is for Women of Color in Communications. They post jobs weekly.

Koya Leadership Partners is a search firm that focuses on impact organizations and companies. Many of these jobs are mid-level to senior level but still helpful for students and others to regularly check their open and ongoing searches. You can also join their talent pool.

Council on Foundations - non-profit and philanthropy jobs

The Hustler’s Guild - Obama alumni started this non-profit to help young leaders. Check out their programs and offerings for high school and college students.

Tom Manatos Jobs - one of the top jobs lists in Washington, DC. This is a paid service and if you are a graduating student and need help paying for a subscription, reach out to us at

AdWeek is offering several months of free job searching for jobs in media, communications, etc.

The Professional Association for Design has some design and creative jobs listed

Social Enterprise Jobs Google Group -